Who we are:

Jones Drafting was founded in 1971 by my Dad, James Jones.
In the year 2000, I became a full-time partner with my Dad, and have, since my Dad’s forced retirement in 2004, become the sole proprietor.
Through the years, I learned from my Dad, the importance of upholding a high ethical and moral standard. I learned also, the value of a day’s labor and that “any job worth doing is worth doing well”. I found that providing to my clients, a product which would please me, is extremely rewarding and satisfying. I learned how to “hit the other nail” (Not my thumbnail) with the hammer and also where to squeeze a mouse.
I had the fortunate opportunity to learn much from my Dad and partner….a process that I’ve learned doesn’t stop.
He provided much, before being forced into retirement by a debilitating illness. I learned a lot from him as dad, mentor, grandpa and friend (another fortunate opportunity). (My Dad passed away in 2009, after a long struggle with Parkinson's disease.)
I strive to uphold his motto;
"A good drawing shows, in complete and accurate detail, the proposed Project; anything else is less than good.”
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